Thursday, December 31, 2009

What is the highest Zen?

I am home from the Mecca of Unitarian Universalism, Boston. I am reminded of the Zen saying, "Wherever you go, there you are."

I am not waiting up for the turn of the New Year. My daughter sent me one of those calendars that has a new saying every day. This one is on Zen. I peaked at what it says for January 1, 2010.

What does it matter, the new year, the old year?
I stretch out my legs and all alone have a quiet sleep.
Don't tell me the monks aren't getting their instruction.
Here and there the nightengale is singing; the highest Zen.

1 comment:

  1. From the manic mind of the Big Fat Monster of the U*U World. :-)

    Here is Robert Plant singing a song from 'Now And Zen'.


    I think the refrain says -

    "Lighten up baby I'm in love with U*U."

    Or something like that anyway. :-)

    Happy New Year David!


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