Friday, March 12, 2010

Hate talk radio still spews hatred

I wrote this on 12/07/08 and posted it on the Chalicefire blog. It is still as valid today and Michael Savage is still on the air along with Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, etc.

This letter is self explanatory. I would suggest that other folks let Mr. Howlett know what you think about WHAM's programming.

Mr. Howlett is WHAM's station manager. Here's how he can be reached.

Station Manager

Jeff Howlett



Dear Mr. Howlett:

Yesterday morning, Sunday, December 7th, I was listening to the last half hour of the Jim Salmon show on my way to church from Brockport, NY to Albion, NY, I heard some request on your station to give you feedback on the Michael Savage show.

I believe that WHAM does a disservice to the community in broadcasting Dr. Savage's hate speech. I think it would be in the interest of the community to remove this programming from your station.

As a Unitarian Universalist, my faith is based on the seven principles/values which UUs convenant to uphold. Dr. Savage violates most of them, and WHAM does also in making his hate speech available in our community.

As you may be aware, one of our churches in Knowville, Tenn. was attacked by a killer who took Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, and Sean Hannity's hate for liberals literally, and entered the Knoxville, Tennesee Church on a Sunday morning with the intent to kill as many congregants as he could. Unfortunately, he killed two people and wounded several others before he was tackled. I would hate to see a similar thing happen in Rochester, NY or our surrounding area.

As you also may know, the genocide in Rwanda was fomented by radio stations controlled by the Tustsis which were objectifying and demonizing the Hutu calling them "vermin" and "cockroaches", things I have heard Michael Savage do regularly.

As a 62 year old man who has grown up and lived most of my life in Brockport, NY I have been a long time listener of WHAM until about 15 years ago when the station took a turn to the right. Now I rarely listen unless it is to Jim Salmon on Saturday and Sunday morning. It is not that I find your programming unentertaining or uninteresting or even distasteful. I find it downright offensive and ethically repugnant.

I have wondered about the advertisers, the economic base of your commercial station, which makes this type of hate speech available in our community. I think the business community has an ethical responsibility to only support media that conscientiously discharges its ethical responsibility to our community. Unfortunately, I find WHAM lacking in this regard and I am heartened to hear that you are reviewing your programming decisions.

All the best,

David Markham

1 comment:

  1. Good letter David, but it is Knoxville Tennessee not Knowville Tennessee. Maybe that was a Freudian slip as much as a typo. I will add that Jim David Adkisson felt that conservatives were the subject of hate speech directed at them by Unitarian*Universalists, and that his feeling capital 'H' Hated by U*Us (or actually being capital 'H' Hated by U*Us. . .) was almost certainly included amongst the motivations for his murderous attack on TVUUC, if not a primary motivation, if express mention of Big Fat U*U Hate for conservatives was included in his "manifesto". Here is the exact quote from Jim David Adkisson's suicide note cum "manifesto" -

    Those people are absolute Hypocrits (sic).
    They embrace every pervert that comes down the pike, but if they find out your (sic) a conservative, they absolutely Hate you.
    I know, I experienced it.

    I have discussed this issue at more length on the 'Anti-Conservative Anti-Republican Unitarian Universalist U*U Hate Speech ALSO Inspired Jim Adkisson's Murderous Attack On The TVUUC In Knoxville TN' post on The Emerson Avenger blog.

    Hate is a bit of a vicious circle isn't it?

    One would think that U*Us who claim to believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person and the interconnected and interdependent web of all existence yadda yadda yadda would be a bit more careful about going around Hating people.

    But no. . .


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