Sunday, October 30, 2016

Unitarian Universalism cannot be a "movement" if it is survive and flourish

Salted With Fire: Unitarian Universalist Strategies For Sharing Faith and Growing Congregations edited by Scott W. Alexander and published by Skinner House Books in 1994 leaves a lot to be desired and indicates why Unitarian Universalism is losing membership and not growing as a religious denomination.

A major flaw occurs when Unitarian Universalism is referred to as a "movement" rather than as a religion. If UUs consider their religious faith to be a social movement rather than a deep well of spirituality, it is doomed to increasing irrelevance.

While Unitarian Universalism has articulated its six sources, it has done a poor job of articulating the perennial theology than flows from these sources. Rather it has become distracted by social justice issues which are better dealt with by NGOs who specialize in those problems. Religious faith, while it is made manifest in good works, is not based on those works but on the beliefs, values, preferences, and intentions which motivate them. It is in the failure to nurture this spiritual foundation which contributes to the demise of Unitarian Universalism as a well spring of religious faith.

Consequently, there will be fewer posts on this blog, UU A Way Of Life, and more on Notes on the Spiritual Life. Readers of UU A Way Of Life are welcomed at NSL

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